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How We Work

Trig Web Design is different than most web design companies. We've been doing this a long time, and have first-hand experience in what works, and what doesn't. We've developed a process over the years to make web design faster & easier, making many other methods obsolete.

Our Process

layouts homeStep 1. Browse our Work. Our portfolio has years of developed websites with every kind of  'bell and whistle' activated so you can see everything they can do. Our clients have a wide range of web design types such as e-commerce, Intranets, Legal sites, real estate systems, quote systems, and much more.

Step 2. Watch it Being Built. This is the secret to our success, allowing clients to see their website being designed and built from day one. All of our sites are built LIVE on our development servers, and we provide a link to the dev site on the first day of development. We start with the full DEMO you choose, customize the layout, colors and style, then add your content. This process allows you to learn your new website inside and out, give us instant feedback, and collaborate with us to ensure the right look - the first time.

Step 3. Take It LIVE. Once you are happy with your new site, we can either make it live on your domain, or transfer it to your hosting server. This process takes only a few minutes with our advanced Site Transfer Tools.

What about after? Once the site is online, our job is never finished. If you wish, we can help you evolve your website, add new blogs, news, pages and images to constantly improve your web presence. If you choose one of our maintenance packages, we perform ongoing SEO, submissions to search engines & directories and of course, tech support. We are dedicated to making your new website a success, and we have the knowledge and experience to make it happen.



The Breakdown of a Website
layouts and modules Adaptive Design
Module Layouts

Modules contain content that appear on all, some, or 'all but some' pages in your website. Things like Logo, Menu and Search may appear on all pages, but you may want a slideshow on the Home page Top A, yet a static image with a text Overlay on the About Us page. The themes we use for both Joomla! and WordPress have many options, styles and module positions to ensure every site we build looks different than the last.

The center of the page, called SYSTEM OUTPUT, is where your Main Content populates. This can be an Article or a Plug-in such as Calendar, Store Locator, E-Commerce Component, Event Manager, or even a "Widget" - cool ways to display content like Tab Sets, Galleries, Slide Sets and much more. Widgets are very versatile, as they can be displayed in any position in a website.

Adaptive Design

Each module position collapses when not used; so if you have no modules published in SIDEBAR A, that areas shrinks and the center area grows into that space. Eliminate all the modules between the MENU and the FOOTER, and you have a full-page view of the SYSTEM OUTPUT.

Each theme also has multiple Styles, so you can make each page look different - even to the point of representing another entity. We're even able to load different Themes, design completely different looks, and assign them to specific areas.

Add Extensions & Plugins

Web Apps to Make Your Site Do Anything
web development

Click to See Web Apps for Joomla!

web developmentOpens in new window

CMS Websites like Joomla and WordPress have many applications available to do just about anything you want, from simple E-Commerce to complex private Social Networks. These Extensions or Plugins are reasonably priced, sometimes even free; but require an experience web developer to setup, program and customize to your needs.

We've installed thousands of Extensions and Plugins, and made them do things even their creators didn't think of. We've even wrote our own plugins, to fill the needs of our clients and the Open Source Community.

Does your website need to sell products? How about paid subscriptions? Scheduling and Booking? Document Management? We have it all, and for much less than what the competition sells it for. Check out some of the 7,000+ add-ons for our go-to CMS, Joomla!

All of our websites come with Base Extensions installed such as:

  • Auto META Generator
  • Akeeba Backup - Backup and Migration Tool
  • Admin Tools - Security Add-on that STOPS Hackers
  • JCE Editor - Makes editing your website simple
  • JSiteMap Pro - XML Sitemaps for Google & Bing
  • Yootheme Pro - Galleries, Slideshows, Effects & Maps
  • Optimization & Compression Plugins
  • RS Forms Pro

Get a Quote today or call to find out more. (617) 819-5877